Our cooperation project with Augsburg University yielded beside the new instrument “Feedback Furnace” for flux crystal growth a first joint paper, published together with Andreas Schneider and Anton Jesche: In Situ Detection of Nucleation in High-Temperature Solutions (https://doi.org/10.1002/crat.201900109). In the Crystal Research and Technology invited paper we describe some details and first results of the feedback method, a novel in situ phase transition detection method and its implementation in a crystal growth setup for solution growth in controlled atmospheres. We are especially happy to see that the prototype of our Feedback Furnace is capable to reproduce DTA and DTS measurements while being a full-featured crystal growth equipment with automatic software-driven temperature control. The state of a sample is determined not by the nominal temperature in the process chamber, but by the onset or absence of characteristic signatures directly originating in the crystallization processes of the sample material. The in situ detection of phase transformations in the Feedback Furnace established a method and that offers a considerable increase in efficiency and accuracy for various solution growth processes. The Feedback Furnace is currently available for 1300 °C, other temperature ranges are possible on request.