About ScIDre


Scientific Instruments Dresden GmbH (ScIDre) is a technology company globally serving science and experimental research. A powerful team of engineers and scientists develops and provides equipment and technologies for the use in fundamental experiments and applied nature sciences.

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Ruediger Schwitalla

In memory of Rüdiger Schwitalla


It is with great sadness that we announce the unexpected death of the ScIDre co-founder and former Co-Managing Director Dr. Rüdiger Schwitalla. We will always remember his leadership qualities, his commitment and his vision. Beyond his professional accomplishments, Dr. Rüdiger Schwitalla was a kind and compassionate person who fostered a culture of collaboration and friendship within our company. His mentorship and leadership touched the lives of many, and his presence will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Our thoughts are with his family. We will miss him greatly.







Robert Schöndube


Dr. rer. nat. Paul Sass

Associate director

Product management
and cooperation projects

Maik Jurischka

Software development
and electrical engineering

Sandra Schöndube

HR and finances

Anne Henschel

Head of experimental lab, crystal growth

Stefan Zielke

Mechanical engineering

Dirk Bellmann

Mechanical engineering

Martin Koßagk

Mechanical engineering

Thomas Hebenstreit

Mechanical production and workshop

Heino Radike

Mechanical production and workshop





Our business areas


Development of research technology

A main business area of ScIDre is the development and manufacturing of research instruments with unique characteristics, designed and build according to the specifications and experimental needs of scientists. In the basic research and applied science, the demands on the apparatus and equipment have risen steadily. For outstanding experimental scientific results, individually designed and customized systems are often essential. Do you desire a special device for your research, which is not directly purchasable due to its extraordinary requirements? Then please contact us! We will advise you without obligation. In connection with plant and process development, we also offer information on research funding and cooperation opportunities in order to assist you in project financing.


Technology transfer

In close cooperation with universities and other research institutes, ScIDre promotes scientific equipment and technologies that were developed and already successfully used as a prototype and bring it to an international market. Universities and other public research institutions are often unable to act as a commercial market player due to capacity limits or legal restrictions, although new technologies developed in-house may have caused a lot of interest in their international scientific community. At this point the partnership is with ScIDre begins. Based on transparent licensing and cooperation agreements ScIDre accepts the necessary know-how of the partner institution. In addition, ScIDre conducts additional engineering activities. They make the usually existing prototype to a market-ready product, which can be effectively manufactured but also customized according to individual needs of the customers. Finally, ScIDre takes care for all the technical documentation and the legal issues which have to be respected prior to the market launch.
In this way, public research institutes are able to serve the market interest in self-developed technologies. The benefits for the institutions include direct economic aspects and a strengthening of the position towards public funding agencies. Furthermore, an improvement in the international visibility through the labeling of licensed products and the participation in further development results is achieved.
If you want to market equipment, patents and process ideas in partnership with ScIDre, please contact us. We will advise you in terms of cooperation opportunities without obligation.


Further business activities:


Campuswerkstatt – our workshop on campus

In 2014, ScIDre established a full-featured metal workshop close to the campus in south Dresden. Besides manufacturing of components which are needed for the self-developed instruments and ongoing ScIDre projects, the workshop provides toll manufacturing to any customer. Piece parts and low volume production can be ordered at www.campuswerkstatt.de. If required, the ScIDre engineers provide support for design, choice of material and manufacturing technologies. This attractive offer is gladly accepted by students, scientists and local companies, which are in need for a fast and effective realization of their small to mid-size engineering projects.


What else you should know

ScIDre was founded in 2009 as a spin-off from the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden). The unique floating zone crystal growth furnace HKZ, which was originally developed at the IFW Dresden to operate under high gas pressures, was transferred as one of the first products to the emerging company. Since then, ScIDre optimized the plant design, completely reworked the control system and sells the apparatus successfully world-wide. Based on the experience in engineering of high pressure and high temperature devices, ScIDre is continuously developing new, innovative instruments for the preparation and execution of crystal growth and other scientific experiments from various areas of solid state and materials research.